Friday, January 29, 2010

Last night I had a really long dream about being back at burford again....

I can't remember much of it, except that I was in the hall and the woman who plays Starbuck was there (!) and it turns out I went to school with her lol

And there were very few pupils left at the school.....and I was in the boys side for a bit and saw an old friend, grown up, and I was on huge roller skates that I couldn't walk on....

And I tried to leave - I actually decided that I didn't want to be there anymore, that it was all great that they were happy there, but that I wanted to go on with my life, so I walked out of the building and down the road away from the school.

And then I was brought back somehow by a little blonde girl, who kept leading me back to the boys side and I realised that she was not letting me leave, so I tried to lock her up by imagining a door and a lock and turning the lock....but just as I turned the key in the lock, she reached out through a gap and put her hand inside me body, about my 2nd chakra area, and I woke up very suddenly.

I was thinking the other day how strange it is that I keep revisiting my school in my dreams.....I was aware of that in this dream, and it was very lucid - deciding to leave, 'creating' the lock by seeing it - but there was definitely something trying to keep me there...trying to show me something.....

But she wasn't a little girl. When she grabbed me, she changed and I could see that she definitely wasn't a little girl, just pretending to be one....

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